Monday, July 31, 2006

Rehoused and Fed!

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Fluffy was rehoused yesterday, he settled right in and just had his first cricket after the molt which he promptly attacked and ate.

To see his new enclosure click here.
To watch a video of his first meal post-molt click here.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Looking good!

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Freshly molted vibrant colors! Fluffly's looking great... next week I'll measure him, he grew big time!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Molt Special Edition v2.0

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It was bound to happen! Yesterday Fluffy molted... I caught him when he had just flipped over so I got some good pictures...

I was also able to sex him, Fluffy is apparently a male... I say apparently because I'm still not quite sure, the exuvium isn't that big and I don't have a magnifying glass but it's really no surprise, given his amazing growth rate.

I hope you like the picture, check the gallery for more pictures of his molting process and afterwards... also pictures of the exuvium coming later today. The gallery's link is on the right (Go to -> Our B. smithi's Gallery).


Related Link: Sexing Tarantulas

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No Molt! ...yet

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Hey everyone!
I didn't post a picture yesterday and I apologize, but there was a reason behind it: I could've sworn Fluffy was gonna molt... false alarm though.

It's been refusing food and being all lethargic, so it's gotta be around the corner, besides, according to molting schedule it should've been this past week... yesterday I saw fluffy moving its legs to the side of the enclosure, and I figured it was trying to push itself to turn over and molt... so I decided not to bother Fluffy, expecting it to molt and make a much more exciting post.

Anyways, I'll be paying attention and bring you guys pictures if it does indeed molt. Meanwhile this picture will do... Fluffy is thankful to all the visitors.

Take care and talk to you soon!

Monday, July 10, 2006


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So, Fluffy is doing good. Another feeding picture. Its colors are starting to quickly fade out which I assume means a molt is coming soon. It's been molting regularly once a month, so if this continues it should molt any time now, it's last molt was on June 10.

That's all for now, thanks for the comments, keep them coming.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


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I got my camera back and so we're here. I decided to take the little one out for a stroll and took the chance to photograph him for this week's post.

Some people agree with handling, others do not. It is, in the end, a decision left to the owner who must do so with great responsibility and care. While I do not handle my tarantulas a lot, it is not something I am against. Besides, it's a B.smithi, famous for its docility and calm nature.

I've read* that if you handle them often they will get accostumed to it and be more agreeable to do so with time, whether this is true or not I don't know, but it's worth a shot :)

Poll is over. Our tarantula's final name has been decided: Fluffy. I can't say it's my personal favorite but it's not bad either, so Fluffy it is. The good thing is that it's asexual.

Thanks for tuning in, we'll be back next week.

*The Tarantula Keeper's Guide by Schultz and Schultz